Fake legendary camouflages for WoTB 11.6
Fake legendary camouflages for WoTB 11.6
*After some changes in the game, if the developers have not released a micropatch for the game on Android devices, mods that use any configs stop working, and along with them, sights stop working on screens with a resolution less than 720p inclusive . To fix this, you need to package the mods into the game`s apk file, install it and then install the modification into the game cache.
If the mod does not work, you can contact us for help on our discord server.
Update for
- Camouflage for BZ-74-1
- Camouflage for T-100 LT
- Two camouflages for FV301
- Two camouflages for Tiger II
- Camouflage for XM66F
- Camouflage for Kpz 07 RH
How to install mods?
Download the archive with the mod, copy all files and folders of the mod and paste it by the path .../World of Tanks Blitz/Data/
To find this folder take a couple of steps:
For Steam: Library -> WoTBlitz -> Manage -> View local files
For WGC/LGC: WoTBlitz(TanksBlitz) -> Game settings -> Show in folder
For Microsoft Store: Open File Explorer and follow the path C:/Program Files/WindowsApps/ -> Find a way to get here in the Internet -> Find folders related to WoTBlitz (7458BE2C.WorldofTanksBlitz_********), if there are several folders, find the one with the newest date -> Go to the Data folder
- PC (If the micropatch has already been released by the game developers):
Download the archive with the mod, copy all the files and folders of the mod and paste it into the folder C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/wotblitz/packs/ for WoTBlitz and into C:/Users/USERNAME/Documents/packs/ for TanksBlitz. If you downloaded the game from the Microsoft Store, then follow the path C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Packages/7458BE2C.WorldofTanksBlitz_***/LocalState/packs. Paste mod files here. This way most mods will work properly. If you installing crew voices and gun sounds mods, u must install this mods in the folder described above, in the first option for PC.
- Android
Download the archive with the mod, copy folder with name "net.wargaming.wot.blitz" (or "com.tanksblitz" for Lesta) and paste it into Android/data/ folder. Confirm files replacement. If the mod doesn`t work, you need to add the mod to the game`s apk file. To learn more about this, you can watch a video about it at the link below.
For this you need a Jailbreak to gain access to the device’s file system, how to do this search on the Internet. Download the archive with the mod, copy all the files and folders of the mod. Next follow the path var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/[UniqueValue]/WoTBlitz.app/Data/ and install mods here.
Video instruction: How to install mods for WoTBlitz and TanksBlitz on PC and Android
* Only authorized users can leave comments and rate mods
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